Concerts →

Wed 12.2.2025

Joensuun kaupunginorkesteri

Ystävänpäivän kynttiläkonsertti
Carelia-sali 18:00

Wed 12.2.2025

Oulu Sinfonia

Music of Divas
Madetojan sali 18:30
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Wed 12.2.2025

Radion sinfoniaorkesteri

RSO & Musica nova
Musiikkitalo 19:00
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Wed 12.2.2025

Turun filharmoninen orkesteri

Tfo leffassa: Amadeus live
Konserttitalo 19:00
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Oulu Sinfonia →

Oulu Sinfonia

Oulu Sinfonia is Finland’s northernmost symphony orchestra, originally founded in 1937 and municipalized in 1961. Present name, Oulu Sinfonia was adopted in 2005. The orchestra has 61 professional full-time musicians. The repertoire of the Oulu Sinfonia is based on classical season concerts and completed with diverse contents such as opera, cinematic concerts, ethnomusic and jazz concerts as well as concerts for families and children. The orchestra also steps out of its home in various formations, to take its music to many locations around town.

Oulu Sinfonia →