International organisations for orchestras Other organisations Other links in Finland Record Companies International classical links
International organisations for orchestras
American Symphony Orchestra League
APRO - Alliance of Asia-Pacific Region Orchestras
Association Française des Orchestres
Association of British Orchestras
Danske Ensembler, Orkestre og Operainstitutioner
DEOO Danish Ensembles, Orchestras and Opera Institutions
Deutscher Bühnenverein – Bundesverband der Theater und Orchestrer
La Asociación Española de Orquestas Sinfónicas, AEOS
Magyar Szimfonikus Zenekarok Szövetsége
Association of Hungarian Orchestras
Major Orchestra Librarians' Association (MOLA).
This site contains information, resources, and links for MOLA member librarians, as well as for other musicians, conductors, publishers, and administrators.
Nederlandse Associatie Voor Podiumkunsten
Norsk teater- og orkesterforening