Pori Sinfonietta - Pori City Orchestra
The Pori Music Society founded an orchestra in Pori in 1877 out of fifteen amateur musicians playing mostly light and dance music. In 1902 classical music was added to the repertoire.
The Pori City Orchestra, nowadays known as the Pori Sinfonietta, was officially founded in 1938, when the players in the Pori Amateur Orchestra and the Pori Orchestra Society decided to join forces. From the late 1970s on all musicians were full-time professionals.
A lively orchestra of a high standard, the Pori Sinfonietta participates in a variety of events in its home city, the surrounding province and other parts of Finland. The regular conductors have included Arvo Airaksinen, Juhani Numminen, Hannu Koivula, Juhani Lamminmäki and Ari Rasilainen. Conductor Petri Sakari was an artistic coordinator during the season 2005–2006 and Jukka Iisakkila was conductor during the years 2006–2012. Jan Söderblom worked as chief conductor from 2012 to 2016. Janne Nisonen was the chief conductor from 2016 to 2018 and Tibor Bogányi from 2018 to 2024.
The latest album by Pori Sinfonietta, The River, was released in 2016 on the ALBA records. It includes Selim Plamgren’s piano concertos numbers 1–3.
Porin Raatihuone
Pori Sinfonietta
Ystävänpäivän kamarikonsertti
Gloria Ilves
Anna Hoffström
Hokto Sorsa
Antti Niemistö
Kamari 2025 -sarja
Pori Sinfonietta
Vitsi vitsi
Igor Stravinsky: Eight instrumental miniatures
W.A. Mozart: Ein musikalischer Spass
Alfred Schnittke: Mozart à la Haydn, 13
Joseph Haydn: Sinfonia nro 94 "Yllätys"
Kausikorttikonsertti 4
Liput: 31e/ 25e/ 10e
Pori Sinfonietta
Vuosituhannen viisut - klassisen musiikin historia tunnissa
Teemu Niemelä, kertoja
Liput: 20/10e
Porin Raatihuone
Pori Sinfonietta
Johanna Ilvesmäki, viulu
Gloria Ilves, viulu
Antti Niemistö, alttoviulu
Magdalena Büchert, sello
mm. Maurice Ravel: Sonaatti
Seniorien kulttuuriviikon kamarikonsertti
Pori Sinfonietta
Nerouden lähteillä; taiteilijat tauteineen
Jari Sinkkonen, kertoja
Johann Sebastian Bach: 2.osa Largo ma non troppo konsertosta kahdelle viululle d-molli BWV 1043
Georg Friedrich Händel: Kaksi menuettia sarjasta Vesimusiikkia
Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanssi viululle ja orkesterille F-duuri op.50
Gioachino Rossini: Alkusoitto oopperasta La Cenerentola
Clara Schumann: Romanssi nro 1
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sinfonia nro 40 g-molli K. 550
Kausikorttikonsertti 5
Liput: 31/25/10e
Barbara Hendricks
Jan Söderblom, kapellimestari
Barbara Hendricks, solisti
Hectror Berlioz:
Herminie H 29
Les Nuits d'été Op. 7 H 81
Cléopatre H 36
Jan Söderblom, kapellimestari
Janne Mertanen, piano
Palmgren Selim:
Piano concerto No.4 Op.85 "April"
Piano concerto No. 5 Op. 99
A Pastorale in three scenes, Op. 50
Exotic March
The River
Jan Söderblom, kapellimestari & viulu
Henri Sigfridsson, piano
Selim Palmgren: Piano Concerto No. 2 Op. 33 "The River”
Selim Palmgren: Piano Concerto No. 1 Op. 13
Selim Palmgren: Piano Concerto No. 3 Op. 41 "Metamorphoses”
Selim Palmgren: Pieces for violin and piano op. 78
Deus Protector Noster
Jukka Linkola, kapellimestari
Jan Lehtola, urut
Jukka Perko, saksofoni
Porin Filharmoninen kuoro, valm. Ognian Vassilev
Jukka Linkola: Deus Protector Noster

Yrjönkatu 15 A 5. krs (Teljäntori)
FI-28100 Pori
+358 44 701 1096
Chief Conductor
Tibor Bogányi
General Manager
Leena Harmaala
+358 44 701 1097
Producer, Publicist
Ilona Koskimäki
+358 44 701 1072
Administrative Secretary
Anja Randén
+358 44 701 1102
Music Librarian-
Stage Manager
Kirsti Tuuri
+358 44 701 1098
Stage Manager
Jussi Pajala
+358 44 701 9325
Founded 1938
(municipalized 1955)
Size 31 musicians
Concert venues
Promenade Center,
688 seats, Yrjönkatu 17
Keski-Pori Church,
1500 seats
Lippu.fi - Pori Sinfonietta