Rules for borrowing from the Library of Orchestral Music
1. Right to borrow
Works in the central music library maintained by the Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras may be lent out to Association members, music schools and other establishments.
2. Loan charge
A charge depending on the size of the material and ratified annually by the Annual Meeting of the Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras is made for loans. Each borrower is also charged a handling fee.
3. Loan period
The loan period is two months, but the material must be returned within two weeks of the performance. Longer loan periods must be negotiated separately with the librarian. An additional charge of 10% per week will be made on overdue loans.
4. Orders and delivery
Orders can be placed with the Association office between August 1 and June 15 either in writing or by phone. The delivery time is one week. The library does not deliver material between June 16 and July 31.
5. Markings and corrections
Markings may be made on the material only lightly in pencil and any corrections must be made only with archive quality document tape (such as Filmoplast).
6. Lost or damaged material and charges
The Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras has the right to charge the borrower for the material at the going rate in the event of loss, damage or markings other than in pencil.
7. Use by a third party and copying
Material may not be passed on to a third party without the librarian’s consent and copying is prohibited.
These rules were approved by the Annual Meeting of the Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras on March 24, 1974 and revised in 1990 and 1999.
Aida Räihälä
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